Goodwill Mission and Vision Statement Analysis

Goodwill’s mission statement is “to enhance the dignity and quality of life of individuals and families by strengthening communities, eliminating barriers to opportunity, and helping people in need reach their full potential through learning and the power of work.” In this statement, Goodwill highlights every strategic action the company seeks to execute. It also underscores its role as the leader in fulfilling the needs of each of these actions. One can deduce the following characteristics from this mission statement.

  1. Improving communities
  2. Exceeding expectations

Through its operations, Goodwill focusses on filling the gaps that disadvantage the majority of the people in the society. The company does this by first linking the unemployed people to idea employment, which is critical in improving the quality of their lives.

Essentially, the company echoes its belief of ensuring everyone achieves their potential, and it’s “find a job” section reveals the strategies the company employs in making this a convenience for the clients it serves. The second characteristic closely relates to the first one because it reveals what Goodwill does in excess of what is anticipated. The company adds targeted training programs to its packages to increase the potential of all its clients.

As if this is not enough, Goodwill also goes to the extent of being an employer as well, and this has raised its reputation as an in-demand company in the U.S. and beyond.


The reverence associated with Goodwill Industries international (Goodwill) comes down to the management strategies of this company, which in turn, is all about the effectiveness of Goodwill’s mission and vision statements. In fact, these statements are perfectly crafted in agreement with the expectations of what a recruitment and training company symbolizes.

Conceptually, a corporate mission of an establishment reveals the activities run by the specific business, while a vision statement describes the growth direction of the company with a focus on future expectations. In this analysis, the vision statement of Goodwill identifies the change the company can instill to level the playing ground in relation to employment opportunities, while its mission statement recognizes Goodwill leadership capacity to make this projected situation a reality through specific strategies.

The core values associated with Goodwill are also inseparable from the status the company has achieved for over a century. These values are the principles that influence the uncompromising attitude and consistency of its operations. In fact, their agreement with the overall corporate statements of the company, the mission, and the vision, keeps Goodwill resolute.

Vision Statement

Goodwill’s vision statement is “Every person has the opportunity to achieve his/her fullest potential and participate in and contribute to all aspects of life.” The vision statement emphasizes the aspect of being a game-changer. Goodwill sees itself as the missing link that can see many of its clients reach their dreams. Some of the components one can draw from this vision statement include:

  1. Every person has the opportunity
  2. Participate in and contribute to all aspects of life

By emphasizing on every person, Goodwill declares its willingness to get the best out of all its clients, not just the qualified and skilled ones, but also the green ones in matters related to specific job needs.

For instance, the company has a fully-fledged system that imparts critical skills to individuals and makes them competent for numerous jobs irrespective of their past qualifications. In fact, in 2016, approximately 31, 000 people benefited from Goodwill credentials. Once they get there, the company has a wide network to ensure these individuals get a chance to exert their influence in various sectors in life.

Core Values

Goodwill core values comprise “Respect, stewardship, ethics, learning, and innovation.” They guide the operations of the organization and keeps it focusses on the mission and vision of the company. They are made up of the following factors:

  1. Respect
  2. Stewardship
  3. Ethics
  4. Learning
  5. Innovation

Goodwill meets the first value through the importance it shows every stakeholder has in the organization. The company also emphasizes that all players must remain responsible for everything they do, and this must also be accompanied by positive behavior and attitude as required to fulfill the second and third values. To ensure the excellence of its services, Goodwill supports innovativeness in addressing all its challenges and sees this as an opportunity for continuous learning for all, including the management.


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