REI (Recreational Equipment) Mission and Vision Statements Analysis

REI mission statement is “we inspire, educate and outfit for a lifetime of outdoor adventure and stewardship.” This statement is a striking reflection of the commitment of REI in the protection of the environment while at the same time delighting in its marvels. The statement has the following components:

  1. Improving lives. The primary purpose of REI (Recreational Equipment) is to ensure that everyone gets a taste of how it feels to live life well by enjoying their time outdoors. In fact, the company demonstrates its conviction that people get the best out of themselves by conquering the natural and untamed places in the way it awakens the love for such environments in its target customers. It does this through numerous approaches.
  2. Distinguished products. This component is a revelation of how REI enables people to enhance their life, discover themselves, and gain fulfilment outdoor – use of top-quality camping gear, attires for sports, and other equipment. Clients have a wide range of choices to pick from, and there are categories for everyone and all occasions.
  3. Exceeding expectations. REI has come of age considering that it offers much more than expected. Today, the company is one of the leading providers of courses in outdoors activities, consultations in hiking and vacations and many others. The firm has learned the art of reaching out to its customers through its inspirational stories of the best outdoor experiences as well.


Recreation Equipment, Inc. or as it is popularly known, REI is one of the few consumer co-ops companies in the U.S. The firm specializes in retailing of outdoor apparels and related equipment with a singular purpose of making recreation experiences memorable for its customers. Launched in 1938, this company has earned itself a reputation in the American market as a reliable supplier of the best products and services, something that it has perfected due to its mission and vision statements.

This shows how invaluable corporate statements are to the progressive success of a company. A corporate vision statement essentially identifies a future that a company strives to achieve. A corporate mission statement works closely with the vision statement by delving into the fine mechanisms of how a company would get to the projected future. Core values are other important tools that ensure the culture of a firm is appropriate for its growth and stability.

In this case analysis of REI (Recreational Equipment), the vision statement emphasizes on advancing the passion for outdoor adventure and being a renowned ambassador for the same. On the other hand, its mission statement indicates its efforts to educate and facilitate the best outdoor experiences for all its clients. For all these years, REI has drawn tremendous backup from its core values. Together with the mission and vision, they have created the major corporation it is today.

Vision Statement

REI vision statement is yet to be published in its site. However, a review of its sites shows that the company is dedicated to “to awaken a lifelong love of the outdoors, for all.” Such commitment makes REI more than a fun-oriented company but also a custodian or a steward for the environment. The statement comprises of these key components:

  1. Stimulate passion for outdoor. By branding itself as the recreational enterprise, REI had to come up with interesting strategies for rekindling people’s love for nature. While providing appropriate apparels leads the list, REI indicates that the absence of comprehensive information is the major impediment. That is why the company has expert advice for all its customers. It is a rich and reliable source where individuals get an opportunity to gain rare skills of choosing the best gear, and adventurous tips.
  2. Mobilize everyone. REI is a consumers’ co-operative rather than a shareholder type of firm to remain attractive and ensure everyone feels like part of the overall project. Such an approach gives the clients the confidence that they directly contribute to the stewardship of outdoors activities. Moreover, they become part of the campaign to preserve the aesthetic value of the environment for lifelong fun experiences.

Core Values

REI core values comprise “authenticity, quality, service, and respect.” These are the principles that have enabled the management of this corporation to foster its growth since 1938. Specifically, the core values are credited for the progressive internal culture of REI focused on the achievement of its mission and vision statement.

The reputation linked to REI in the U.S is evidence of how loyal this company has been to its outdoor objectives. This is an attitude that spans back to its early days as expressed by the founders, Lloyd and Mary Anderson. REI grounds this status by ensuring that it only supplies products that meet all the quality standards, together with exceptional services. In fact, this is a value that has seen REI gain more Co‑op members as everyone feels appreciated and part of the larger company.


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  • REI – About.
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